Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Where to Look When You Can't Find God

Time has been a gracious friend to my grandmother. Generous and forgiving, it has given her much and asked for little in return.  Her age is nothing more to her than an adornment, and she wears it like a strand of family heirloom pearls, with the grace and charm of the true Southern lady that she is.  The passing of time has served only to make her more beautiful, and she has become the irreplaceable jewel of our family . . .

I'm honored to be sharing this little piece of my heart with the lovely readers over at (in)courage today!  To read the entire post, please click here.


  1. It's funny, how you, being a perfect stranger to me can write words that speak straight to my heart.

    This is the kind of grandma I want to be.

    And forgive me for disagreeing with your profile ... but you ARE a writer.

    God bless you for sharing.

  2. Dear Jennifer

    My name is Bertina Tomé, I am Portuguese and I am the director of a Christian magazine for women here in Portugal, named "Mulher Criativa" (Criative Woman). I am writing to you in order to get the permission to translate it in Portuguese and edit in our magazine.
    Our E-mail: mulhercriativa@gmail.com
    Our Website: www.mulhercriativa.org

    This article is wonderful! I believe it would be a blessing and inspiration for our readers here in Portugal and also in the African countries where Portuguese is the official language.

    Thank you.

    Bertina Tomé
